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Wedding Planning 101: How to Make a Budget

March 5th, 2020

Wedding Planning 101: How to Make a Budget

You’re found “the one” and you’re going to get married! Now what? Wedding planning can seem like a big task, and how to pay for a wedding is one of a couple’s first tests when it comes to marriage. But planning a wedding doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Just follow a few basic steps to make sure you get a wedding you love that you can actually pay for!

Budgeting for a wedding is all in the details. As long as everyone’s expectations are clear, and expenses are planned for ahead of time, it’s possible to make or even come in under your wedding budget.

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The First Step of Wedding Planning

The first step is figuring out who is paying for the wedding, and what the total is that you can spend. Though traditionally, the bride’s parents would pay for her wedding, these days, the groom’s parents and the couple themselves often chip in. Find out from your parents how much they would like to contribute, if any. In some instances, it may be easier to have each set of parents pay for one specific part, such as the catering.

If you and your significant other are contributing to the budget, figure out how much you can use from your savings. If you want to put more money into the wedding, start saving as soon as you get engaged. Which also means, the longer the engagement, the more money you can spend on the wedding.

Once you know your budget, decide what aspects of the wedding are most important to you, and those are the items you should splurge on. Also talk about what things you care about the least. If the cake doesn’t matter to you, for example, you can find a way to save money by doing less expensive desserts. Keep detailed records of your budget and spending for each item in a spreadsheet.

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Details Big and Small

Keep in mind that the venue and guest list are two of the most important aspects when it comes to wedding planning. The bigger your guest list, the more expensive your wedding will be in many aspects, including food, alcohol, and wedding favors. Venues are one of the biggest slices of the pie when it comes to budget, and some venues also require a minimum head count for booking.

Don’t forget the little details when it comes to wedding planning, either. It’s always good to keep 5% of your total budget set aside for incidentals, like last-minute add-ons or expenses you didn’t think of. Don’t forget to include service tips in your budget, and look for hidden fees in vendor contracts. Make sure your budget is as thorough as possible, including money set aside for things like bridal party gifts and wedding bands.

Stress-Free Bridal Jewelry Shopping

When it comes to your bridal jewelry, our experts at Rogers Jewelry Co. are happy to help take your stress away from this aspect of wedding planning. We carry many top designers, and motto is that we won’t lose a customer due to price, availability, or service. We want to help you find your perfect engagement ring, wedding bands, and any other jewelry or special gifts you may need for your wedding day.

We offer custom design, jewelry repair, and a lifetime warranty, so our service to you doesn’t end once you’re married. Start shopping on our website—we even offer free shipping—or stop into any one of our multiple jewelry store locations now! We can’t wait to help you with your happily ever after!